Concealed Carry – Stopped By A Cop

1 thought on “Concealed Carry – Stopped By A Cop”

  1. Rule #1, one of the things I was taught in the Academy, even as a police officer, if I’m ever stopped, the first thing I do is grab the steering wheel (white knuckle) and advise the officer that I am a police officer, I am carrying a weapon, the location of my ID card and my weapon, and ask them what they would like me to do now? This way the officer knows I am armed and authorized and no accidents happen when they see my weapon, if they see it. The first thing you should have done was informed the officer that you have a CCW permit and where it was located and where your gun was located.

    The officer should then have secured your weapon for both your and their safety, then checked your drivers license and CCW permit. Just because you say you are a good guy doesn’t mean you are, so I always ran the gun too just to make sure it wasn’t stolen and any other information that it might show.

    As for the follow-up questions, that’s just a cursory investigation. Normal everyday police work. It’s our job to make sure people are safe. Are you carrying because you are a good guy, or are you having a problem. We don’t know and it’s our job to find out. If we don’t, we can be held liable. Basic common questions and just chatting help us figure out if there may be more to your story than you are letting on. This is not anti-gun nor anti-CCW, it’s just routine police work. If you had said “it’s none of your business!”, that would have sent up flags. I’d wonder why you were getting so upset over a simple little question.

    I don’t know if you local agency allows Ride-A-Longs, but if they do, go on some and talk to the officers and see what they do and how they protect themselves and the members of the community, don’t just assume that the officers are anti-gun. The vast majority of officers are just as upset about all the anti-gun bigots and the laws they are trying to force on us, but at the same time, there are pro-gun folks making really stupid statements, so an officer has to protect themselves too.

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